We have the ability to take photos of our family regularly and conveniently because of the birth of smart phones. It’s truly amazing how far we’ve come! Moreover, I love a good digital photo and post to social media just like the next person, but I don’t want my precious photos to just live on social media only. I don’t want them to live in an old phone, or on a lost flash drive because I love seeing photos in real life! No, that doesn’t mean that I print every photo I take, but selecting my top favorite family photos to turn into tangible photos is a must, and I encourage you to do the same.
Here are 5 reasons you should consider printing your family pictures.
Let’s face it, as convenient and as advanced as technology is, it sometimes fails us. We definitely don’t want to solely intrust our family memories in it. CD’s, flash drives, computer hard drives, cell phones, etc., break, crash, and die. Having physical prints of your family photos ensures that you avoid losing memories to technological mishaps.
Don’t let anything happen to your family pictures. Print them and store them in a safe place!
Think about the amount of times you have visited your grandparent’s house and sat and looked through the family photo albums. There is nothing like seeing your family history through photographs. The photos carry backstories, memories, and evoke emotions that are priceless. Your family photos are not just pieces of paper or a print on the wall, they are your family precious family heirlooms. These photos live on through the generations and are a part of your legacy.
Too often I hear someone say they want to decorate their empty walls, but don’t know how or with what. Why not make your family portraits art for your home? There is a variation of ways to display your photos and in different parts of your home. Choose your favorite photos and blow them up and create a wall gallery that stands out. This also gives you an opportunity to to view your favorite photos daily without having to scroll through a device to find them!
Were you aware that studies show that having family photos displayed around your home is a boost to your child’s self-esteem and their sense of security? According to Professor Geoff Beattie-Head of School and Dean of Psychological Sciences at the University of Manchester, “We cannot underestimate the power of photographs…For children in particular, looking at photographs is part of the socialising process; learning who you are and where you fit into the family…By displaying photographs of our children at different stages of their lives, we are making a very public statement that we are proud of them.”
Not only can you place photos in the common areas of the home, but you can place them in your child’s room for them to see constantly. “I am very conservative about self-esteem and I think placing a family photo someplace in the home where the child can see it every day without having to turn on a device or click around on a computer to find it really hits home for that child this sense of reassurance and comfort. They have a certainty about them and a protecting quality that nurtures a child. It lets them know where they are in the pecking order and that they are loved and cared for,” says David Krauss, a licensed psychologist from Cleveland, Ohio.
Who would have thought that those cute family photos would have such a positive impact on our children! Read more on the benefits here!
There is nothing like touching, holding, and seeing your photos in physical form. There is an emotional element to having tangible photos versus scrolling and seeing them on a screen. The photos really come to life in a way that a digital photo doesn’t. I have a box of old photos (a soon to be project of mine to get them organized and into albums) and whenever I go through those photos, I am immediately transported to that time. The photos make me smile, laugh, maybe even cry. They are connections to the memories. I urge you…make it an experiment for yourself. Look through some of your printed photos and see the difference you feel from viewing a grid of photos in your phone gallery.
In conclusion, living in the digital age has been amazing in so many ways. Being able to share our photos with loved ones through the internet is simple. Being able to whip out our phones and snap a photo has allowed us to capture so many more moments. HOWEVER, don’t let all those favorite and special moments get lost in your phone or computer; print your favorite photos and display them through wall art, albums, a print box, or a framed photo on a shelf or side table. Enjoy your photos in real life.
If you are interested in booking a family photo shoot in Miami and the surrounding area and exploring the various options for displaying your photos, I’d love to discuss my process with you. I’m passionate about my families leaving with actual photos they can touch and hold in their hands. You will get more than just an online gallery to swipe through. With me, you’ll get the full experience you deserve from your family portrait session. An investment that is completely worth it! Click here to contact me and start the booking process!
What are your thoughts on printing your photos? Leave a comment below!
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